Tub on the Run

Christmas Tag!


I first saw this on Milk Bubble Tea and thought it looked like a bit of fun, so here you have it – Tub’s Christmas Tag.

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

This isn’t getting me off to the best start, as I have to admit, I’m not the greatest person for Christmas movies (I am THAT person who hates Elf.  Actual hate.).  However, my little stone heart is always warmed by Miracle on 34th Street (the newer one).

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

This depends in part on where we spend Christmas.  Most of the time, we spend Christmas at my parents’ (Matt’s live 60 miles away), so we always open them on Christmas morning.  We have a set routine and specific seating – I sit on the floor near the TV, my sister is on gift finding duty by the tree, Matt sits on the sofa next to her and Mum and Dad share a sofa.  I love this.

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

Not really, as I really do love all of our Christmases.  One of my favourite ones was probably carrying our dog for part of the Christmas walk as she was getting really tired (well, that and I think she figured we were all soft touches and may have milked it a bit!).  Another is probably watching her go mad at the Scalectrix.  I am sad that we won’t have a Beany to join in with our Christmas this year.  Mum and Dad have got kittens though, so they should help take the edge off it.

4. Favourite festive food?

Christmas pudding and clotted cream!  I have a sweet tooth through and through, and while I enjoy the roast, it’s all about the pud for me.

5. Favourite Christmas gift ?

Oooh… tough question!  Probably a purple bear that my parents gave me when I was quite little.  He is originally named Purpley.

6. Favourite Christmas scent?

The smell of woodburners and cinnamon.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?

This coming Christmas Eve is probably one of the first ones where I haven’t done a traditional thing.  During my childhood, we used to go to the Christingle service at the church that Matt and I married in last year.  I loved that.  Then, as I got older, I used to go round to one of my best friend’s houses and we’d watch films, chat away, drink and eat cheese puff or Doritos.  We progressed on to the pub as we got older.  Sadly (for me) she emigrated last year, and that put a stop to a long tradition.  Time to make a new one!

8.  What tops your tree?

I *think* is it a star.  We didn’t have a topper for about 3 years because we couldn’t find one that we liked, but I think we might have bought one for last year.  We try to buy a nice bauble for each Christmas that we have been together, though we’re in negative nice baubles at the moment as the cats smashed two last year.

9.  As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?

I always wanted a Mr Frosty, but never got one.  I can’t actually remember why I wanted one now, but they seemed amazing at the time (who wouldn’t want to make their own ice lollies in the middle of winter…).

10.  What’s the best part about Christmas for you?

It is, without doubt, spending time with my family.  My sister comes home and Dad has time off from work (being self-employed, he doesn’t get much in the way of holidays).  We all have a good amount of time out from work, and it’s just nice to relax.  On Boxing Day we usually go to see Matt’s family – his mum cooks, and it is always delicious!

What would your answers be?

Author: Steph

Blogger learning to live a healthier life, losing weight and starting to run.

2 thoughts on “Christmas Tag!

  1. I love Xmas Pud with Brandy butter *drool face* and eating epic amounts of chocolates on the sofa in a self induced food coma!
    I wanted to Mr Frosty too! The gift that stands out was a blue of ‘LouLou Blue’ when I was around 13..we where on holiday in Belgium and it was so exciting, also a Sony Walkman ring’s a bell…
    Love the smell of mulled wine and your Xmasy walking on the beach picures are just lovely! 🙂

    • Do you know, I have never had brandy butter! Being Devon born and bred it has always been clotted cream! (Not that I am complaining!) How could I forget a Walkman! Or a mini disc player! I completely agree about mulled wine – it is that wonderful warm spice smell. Love love love this time of year!

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