Tub on the Run

Janathon Day 3: All about the yoga


Today was technically meant to be a rest on the half marathon plan I’m using, but that wouldn’t make for a good Janathon would it.

I had skilfully avoided doing any exercise on Monday, which was scheduled as a strength and stretch session.  There was no way that I was going to attempt to contort myself into anyyoga pose, for fear of self-combusting from my Christmas indulgence.  It would have made a nasty mess on the floor and walls if nothing else.  Additionally, my bed has lately conspired against me (possibly in protest to my weight gain over the last couple of months) and gave me horrendous back pain that lasted until Tuesday morning.  I digress…

Another day of housework and general slobbishness was on the cards today.  Several loads of washing have been done, the bed has been partially fixed, my sister came over again and Mum popped her head round the door, and I have cooked.  I think I have been in a state of mourning for the end of my holidays as I am back to work on Monday.  That is, of course, if Devon hasn’t washed away on Sunday as is predicted by the weatherman.

I really had to gear myself up for 30 minutes of yoga today.


Normally I enjoy it, but I was plagued with a rubbish internet connection and had to keep coming out of poses to reconnect.  Gah!


Thankfully after a bit of swearing and a couple of minutes, it sorted itself out and I was able to carry on as normal.

While I was struggling and huffing through the various poses, I wondered at what point it gets easier.  It must do.  Surely?  I feel like I never get better at yoga.  I get frustrated with my size too.  I wonder how much more comfortable child’s pose is without a belly as big as mine, or how much easier planks would be without carrying the excess 7 stone I have.  But then I think, as I breathe through downward dog, that actually, what I can do is also pretty awesome.  I rock lunges and warrior poses.  I can feel myself get more flexible as I bend towards my toes.  I know that eventually, with regular practice, I will be able to put my hands flat on the floor in a forward bend, and that one day, I’ll be able to do a proper plank and side plank.

In other news, I have also signed up to Jantastic.  Maria at Running Cupcake mentioned it to me, and let me know that she has a team (Run Blog Bake!), which I have joined.  I have pledged three runs per week in January, and it starts from Monday 6th.  Want to know more, head over to Jantastic’s website.

Slimming World wise, I am doing well.  My sweet tooth is much more under control, and I am trying to think of ways to avoid the remaining tins of chocolates at work.  I suspect my first week will be full of “no thank you”.

I am now left wondering – when does yoga get easier?

Does anyone have any strategies for dealing with snacks and/or chocolates at work that they’d care to share?


Author: Steph

Blogger learning to live a healthier life, losing weight and starting to run.

14 thoughts on “Janathon Day 3: All about the yoga

  1. Well done on your yoga session and for signing up to Jantastic

  2. I think yoga must get it easier… its probably like when you first start running. I’ve done this a few times, http://fitfor365.wordpress.com/2013/10/06/yoga-practice-for-runners/ and I’m waiting for it to get easier.

  3. Oh to be able to touch your toes! There’s a thought!

  4. Hey! I do SeaWheeze Yoga for Runners video too!! I was just about to load up YouTube and do that one then got sideteacked. sidetracked with WordPress. It must be a sign that I should go do it. Too funny.

  5. Yoga isn’t something I’ve tried ..maybe my weekend plan if the weather doesn’t improve! well done 🙂

  6. Well done on that yoga session. I want to start again this year, especially as I was told off by the physio for being so inflexible- but I found it hard to see progress which is probably why I stopped.
    Hooray for joining up to the team- welcome aboard! I think we will be able to message on the team messageboard, but there is a facebook group going. If you add me (I can’t find you) then I can invite you to the group. Or if you email me (emailme@runningcupcake.co.uk) I can invite you via email.
    As for chocolate at work, I am not sure I could manage it if I worked in an office. In our staffroom it tends to be on the table, so I sit on chairs away from the table so they are out of reach- usually that is enough. Or peppermint tea- I love it anyway, but after having it other foods don’t taste right I don’t think, so if you like that it might be worth a try?

    • Hi Maria

      I have emailed you about the Facebook group. I am looking forward to getting started and seeing what everyone else is getting up to!

      That is a great idea about the peppermint tea! I hadn’t really considered it before but I rarely want something to eat after a cup. I will definitely be trying that. I may even have to dig out the spearmint for a bit of variety.

      Thank you 🙂

  7. Pingback: Janathon Day 6: The day my back went crunch… click… | Tub on the Run

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